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SeekWell: Postgres, Snowflake, Redshift, and MySQL. SeekWell brings SQL to the places your team already hangs out, including Google Sheets, Excel, Slack, and email. Pulling data from a dozen different queries and spreadsheets and keying the results into an update email? Stop. Define data points in Stories and automatically send updates via email or Slack.

SeekWell Features

• Send data from SQL to Google Sheets and Excel. You can also send data from one spreadsheet to another and join multiple sheets to your SQL data.

• Push key alerts to your team. Only get notified when you need to be with Triggers. You can also send emails to your customers using SQL.

• Schedule your queries to run hourly, daily, weekly, or every 5 minutes. Your data will always be fresh and up to date.

• Share small, reusable bits of SQL with your team using Snippets. They're great for automating date formatting or metric defintions.

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SeekWell: Postgres, Snowflake, Redshift, and MySQL. SeekWell brings SQL to the places your team already hangs out, including Google Sheets, Excel, Slack, and email. Pulling data from a dozen different queries and spreadsheets and keying the results into an update email? Stop. Define data points in Stories and automatically send updates via email or Slack.

SeekWell Features

• Send data from SQL to Google Sheets and Excel. You can also send data from one spreadsheet to another and join multiple sheets to your SQL data.

• Push key alerts to your team. Only get notified when you need to be with Triggers. You can also send emails to your customers using SQL.

• Schedule your queries to run hourly, daily, weekly, or every 5 minutes. Your data will always be fresh and up to date.

• Share small, reusable bits of SQL with your team using Snippets. They're great for automating date formatting or metric defintions.

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