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My Voice AI

My Voice AI specialises in state-of-the-art deep neural networks and deep learning techniques, delivering the world's smallest footprint and power-efficient training. My Voice AI's first product, NanoVoiceTM, uses tinyML to verify speakers in real time, even on ultra-low-power edge AI platforms.

My Voice Ai Features

• Verify speakers in real-time, even on ultra-low-power devices. First mover advantage with the world's smallest speaker verification engine.

• Independent of any language, working in real-world conditions and on any device. From the cloud to mobile phones and even ultra-low-powered chips, Pure science.

• Detecting recordings and spoofing attempts, and verifying that the right person is saying the random digit passcode.

• Detecting emotions like stress, happiness, and anger, as well as gender and age, through voice only.

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My Voice AI

My Voice AI specialises in state-of-the-art deep neural networks and deep learning techniques, delivering the world's smallest footprint and power-efficient training. My Voice AI's first product, NanoVoiceTM, uses tinyML to verify speakers in real time, even on ultra-low-power edge AI platforms.

My Voice Ai Features

• Verify speakers in real-time, even on ultra-low-power devices. First mover advantage with the world's smallest speaker verification engine.

• Independent of any language, working in real-world conditions and on any device. From the cloud to mobile phones and even ultra-low-powered chips, Pure science.

• Detecting recordings and spoofing attempts, and verifying that the right person is saying the random digit passcode.

• Detecting emotions like stress, happiness, and anger, as well as gender and age, through voice only.

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