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Apify: Web Scraping and Automation for the Modern Web. In the age of data, Apify stands out as a powerful platform for web scraping and automation. It empowers developers and businesses to extract valuable information from the web, automate repetitive tasks, and build scalable data-driven applications.

Apify Ai Features

• Users can choose from a library of pre-built actors or create their own custom actors using JavaScript, Python, or other languages. 

• Actors can handle complex tasks such as navigating websites, filling forms, and extracting data from dynamic pages. 

• A comprehensive software development kit that simplifies the process of building actors.

• It provides tools for handling tasks such as request queuing, data storage, and error handling.

• A robust proxy service that helps users avoid IP blocking and rate limiting when scraping websites. 

• It provides access to a large pool of residential and datacenter proxies.

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Apify: Web Scraping and Automation for the Modern Web. In the age of data, Apify stands out as a powerful platform for web scraping and automation. It empowers developers and businesses to extract valuable information from the web, automate repetitive tasks, and build scalable data-driven applications.

Apify Ai Features

• Users can choose from a library of pre-built actors or create their own custom actors using JavaScript, Python, or other languages. 

• Actors can handle complex tasks such as navigating websites, filling forms, and extracting data from dynamic pages. 

• A comprehensive software development kit that simplifies the process of building actors.

• It provides tools for handling tasks such as request queuing, data storage, and error handling.

• A robust proxy service that helps users avoid IP blocking and rate limiting when scraping websites. 

• It provides access to a large pool of residential and datacenter proxies.

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